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Justin Bieber Says ‘F*ck You’ To Paparazzi

Justin Bieber Says ‘F*ck You’ To Paparazzi

Semi-Exclusive... 51032804 Good morning, Mr. Grumpypants! An angry Justin Bieber has to be "restrained" by his body guard to keep him from attacking the photographers waiting outside his hotel this morning in London, England on March 8, 2013. Justin must not have gotten enough sleep, having spent some time last night at the hospital after feeling woozy during his concert at the O2. Good thing his bodyguard was there to protect the photographers... one can only imagine how much destruction Justin The Biebarian would have done! FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (818) 307-4813 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: USA ONLY

Justin Bieber Says ‘F*ck You’ To Paparazzi

Justin Bieber curses at paparazzi while imitating a tv show character. Plus – Justin chats with fans before heading on a plane.

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